Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sample the IdN Retail Desire Issue Now!

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Karim Rashid

IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p18-19

Industrial-design superstar Karim Rashid has given the Serbian capital Belgrade a restaurant that would be just as at home in London, Paris or New York. It’s the state-of-the-art Majik Café, a 21st century jolt to the senses amid the city’s otherwise somewhat drab ex-communist-era architecture.

工業設計領域的超級巨星 karim Rashid 塞爾維亞的首都貝爾格萊德帶來了一座餐廳, 感覺就如同在倫敦, 巴黎或者紐約的家中一樣, 那就是最先進的前共產主義時代的建築物之間, 無疑是一種來自21世紀的心理震盪。

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Stockholm Design Lab

IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p40-41

Founded by Bjorn Kusoffsky and Thomas Erikson in 1998, the Stockholm Design Lab acknowledges its cultural roots while claiming to cater for a global clientele -- Scandinavian

1998 年,Bjorn Kusoffsky 和 Thomas Erikson 創辦了Stockholm Design Lab,在聲明滿足全球客戶的各種需要的同時,亦不忘承認自己的文化根源 -- 斯堪的納維亞

“Design is assumed to be our starting-point, but in Scandinavia, we are alone in defying all attempts at disciplinary restrictions. Thanks to this cross-border philosophy, we created a brand for ourselves.


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IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p42-43

Four graphic designers from various design schools in Denmark and England and they also have a consultant dealing with business development, strategy and project management. On the side, they have a sister company called Relate ( dealing with identity and communication on digital platforms.

四個來自丹麥和英國的不同設計學校的平面設計師, 有一個諮詢顧問負責處理商業發展、戰略和專案管理方面的業務。此外,他們還有一個名為 Relate 的姊妹公司(,處理數碼平臺的形象和傳播業務。

“The name comes from Latin: re means communication and public means the masses – hence, communication with the masses.”

”這個名字來自拉丁文:re 意指溝通傳播,而 public 意指大眾——合起來就是與大眾進行溝通傳播。”

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Kashiwa Sato

IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p26-27

IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p28-29

Kashiwo Sato set up his own creative studio, Samurai, in 2000. His work has received critical praise and accolades from individuals and organisations across an array of industries including design, advertising and art direction.

佐藤可士和於 2000 年創辦了自己的創意工作室“武士”(Samurai)。他的作品受到來自各種行業包括設計、廣告和藝術指導的個人和團體的高度讚譽。

"A clear, strong, branding concept makes a good retail design/visual identity. If the concept is not unique, a good visual identity is impossible."


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JJMarshall Associates, Ltd.

IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p44-45

IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p46-47

Specializing in both fashion and design marketing, they conceive, direct and produce visual communication for a broad range of clients in a diverse array of media. With more a dozen years’ experience in art direction and production, they collaborate with trusted suppliers and new talent to provide brands with sophisticated, high-quality ideas and materials.

擅長於時裝和設計方面的行銷工作,在範圍極廣的各種媒體上為各種各樣的委託客戶提供視覺傳播的構思、指導和製作服務。他們在美術指導和製作方面擁有超過 12 年的經驗,與可靠的供應商和新晉人才攜手合作,為眾多品牌提供精巧、優質的概念和物料。

"Retail design demands design and marketing working in total harmony, with both parties respecting each other’s responsibility."


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IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p36-37

Since Formavision began in 2003, it has curated and produced some 50 art projects and acclaimed international art campaigns for leading brands such as Diesel, Coca-Cola, Lexus, Starbucks, Marithe+Francois Girbaud, Converse, Docomo and Sharp Electronics.

自 2003 年開張以來,Formavision 已經組織和製作過大約 50 個藝術專案,並為 Diesel、Coca-Cola、Lexus、Starbucks、Marithe+Francois Girbaud、Converse、Docomo 和 Sharp Electronics 等頂級品牌的國際藝術活動提供過支援。

“I think that a recipe for success in these branded art projects is to trigger collaborations between artists and brands who have the same style, values and cultural references.”


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IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p30-31

IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p32-33

They started out by expressing themselves through street art and graffiti in the early ’90s. They moved to Stockholm and developed a creative sense of business strategy and a love for graphic design. Their collaboration started in 1999.

90 年代初他們剛開始的時候,通過街頭藝術和塗鴉來表達自我。後來搬到斯德哥爾摩,形成了對商業戰略的創意意識以及對平面設計的喜愛之情。他們的合作始於1999年。

“A successful design starts out with research and a 360-degree view of a client’s concept and product. Communication is everything when you shape an identity. A creative PR perspective is always for the best before the design process.”

“ 成功的設計始於對客戶的概念和產品的研究和 360 度全方位的認識。當您創作形象標誌的時候,溝通就是一切。在創意方面的公共關係洞察力始終是設計流程開始之前的最佳選擇。”

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IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p48-49

BVD (“BV” being the initials of their surnames and the “D” standing for design). They got off to a great start, with commissions from two of Sweden’s best-known retail companies, Ikea and H&M, and BVD has now grown into a company comprising 18 talented designers and continues to work on any touch-point in the interface between a brand and its audience.

BVD(「BV」是他們姓氏的首字母組合,而「D」代表 design 設計)一開始營運便接到來自兩家瑞典著名零售公司宜家(Ikea)和 H&M 的委託業務。現在,BVD 已經發展成為一家擁有 18 位才華橫溢的設計師的公司,並繼續在品牌及其受眾之間互動層面的接觸點上開展工作。

“Visual identity needs to communicate the soul of the brand and retail design is a physical expression of the brand.”


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2x4, Inc.

IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p20-21

IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p22-23

The collaborative group of creative directors, writers and designers known as 2x4 was founded in New York in 1994 by partners Michael Rock, Susan Sellers and Georgianna Stout. It undertakes cutting-edge projects in virtually all the major graphic media – print, web, motion graphics and environmental design.

1994 年,這個名為 2x4 的協作團體由 Michael Rock、Susan Sellers和 Georgianna Stout 這幾個拍檔在紐約創辦,該團體由創意總監、寫手和設計師組成。該團體實際上在做一系列以各種主要平面媒體為載體的尖端專案:印刷、網頁、動態圖像和環境設計。

”We want people to think, to enjoy, to explore, to make up their own minds, to take pleasure in visual experience and speculation."


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