Tuesday, July 18, 2017

IdN v24n1: Packaging Design — Much More Than Mere Eye-Candy

Much More Than Mere Eye-Candy

Many people make the huge mistake when it comes to packaging design of dismissing it as mere eye-candy, created simply to arrest the progress of undecided shoppers and coerce them into an impulse buy. There is so much more to it than that that one hardly knows where to begin.

In the following feature article, one of the most fascinating we have published, some 68 creative individuals and entities share both their best work and their thoughts on packaging design, which are as diverse as the subject itself. We know you will enjoy it and we hope you will be inspired by it. And perhaps even give some thought to how we can all contribute to making the business of packaging more environmentally friendly, with a greater accent on re-cycling and re-using.
