Thursday, February 19, 2009

D-Fuse Spins International Audio-visual Fusio

In partnership with the British Council , D-Fuse from London will bring to us a cutting-edge innovative live performance Latitude [ 31°10N / 121°28E ] featuring fragments of China city life expressed through a mix of digital media. Latitude [ 31°10N / 121°28E ] is being performed around the globe in the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and the USA since 2007. Its Hong Kong stop is certainly a once-in-a-life-time performance not to be missed, whether you are a diehard film, video, music or design advocate. Choi Sai-ho (aka S.T.), VJ Welby + Techno musician TEOH, two local budding forces are showing tremendous support toward the upcoming frenzy of sounds and visuals as well.

ifva 及英國文化協會攜手合作,D-Fuse 將遠道從倫敦來港,帶來中國城市影像交織聲音的現場表演作品《緯度》。自2007年起《緯度》已於英國、德國、西班牙、意大利、荷蘭及美國等地巡迴演出,今次難得來港演出,並與本地新媒體兩大新勢力 S.T. 蔡世豪、VJ Welby 及電子音樂人 TEOH 同場演出,肯定是電影、錄像、音樂以至設計愛好者不容錯過的一次現場電音演出。

"One of the most innovative design collectives working internationally today." - NOW Festival, Nottingham, UK

「當今國際其中一隊最創新的設計組合 。」- 英國諾丁漢NOW藝術節

Date & Time/日期及時間:
22/3/2009 (Sun) 8:15pm

Venue / 地點:
5/F Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre

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