Friday, October 23, 2009
Founder of the well-known design firm WeWorkForThem, artist and director Michael Paul Young, attempts to explore the relationship between Nature, motion and sound in his latest work, The Interpretation. Via its abstract graphics, it leads us to wander through a forest, plunging between vines to trace our memories of microbiology and absorb the spectrums of light. The minimalist soundtrack, which adds enormously to the atmosphere, was composed by another talented artist, Michael Cina.
Simply by taking out a one-year subscription to IdN magazine. The first five people who subscribe will be presented with a free copy of Young’s The Interpretation DVD. Just send an e-mail to with the subject The Interpretation. But hurry – this offer is on a first-come first-served basis. And IdN reserves the right to make the final decision.
著名設計公司 WeWorkForThem 的創辦人、藝術家兼導演 Michael Paul Young 嘗試在他的新作《The Interpretation》中探索自然、運動和聲音之間的關係。該作品通過抽象的畫面, 引領大家漫遊森林、在藤蔓之間跳躍、追尋我們的遙遠的微生物記憶學記憶,以及吸收光線中的遼闊氛圍的譜系。另一位才華橫溢的藝術家 Michael Cina, 用極簡主義風格的音軌給氣氛的烘托增添了濃厚的味道用極簡主義風格的配樂給氣氛的烘托增添了濃厚的味道。
您只需訂閱一年的《IdN》雜誌,就可以免費獲贈這張 DVD!前五名訂閱用戶可以免費獲贈 Young 的大作《The Interpretation》的 DVD。發送標題為《The Interpretation》的電郵至,即可預訂!欲訂從速!先到先得!最終裁決權歸《IdN》雜誌所有。
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