Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cristina Guitian "Portraits of My Life as a Bird"

Wonderfully absurd reflections of the world define the work of Spanish artist Cristina Guitian. With a keen interest in the power of scale, she works at the extremes - from small drawings to massive mural-installations.Her work has been exhibited in London, Tokyo, New York, Amsterdam and Barcelona.

Portraits of My Life as a Bird explores the nature and aesthetics of the hybrid. Throughout history, mythical hybrids such as the chimera were used to describe fantastic yet vulnerable power. Courtesy of rapid advances in genetic manipulation, humanity is now on the verge of holding such power. Liberated from biology and ethical oversight, Portraits of My Life as a Bird is a playful imagining of this genetically mutated future.

Location: The Print House Gallery, London 2010
Date: Exhibition continues until 30th March, 2010
For more information: