Wednesday, December 17, 2008


IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p30-31

IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p32-33

They started out by expressing themselves through street art and graffiti in the early ’90s. They moved to Stockholm and developed a creative sense of business strategy and a love for graphic design. Their collaboration started in 1999.

90 年代初他們剛開始的時候,通過街頭藝術和塗鴉來表達自我。後來搬到斯德哥爾摩,形成了對商業戰略的創意意識以及對平面設計的喜愛之情。他們的合作始於1999年。

“A successful design starts out with research and a 360-degree view of a client’s concept and product. Communication is everything when you shape an identity. A creative PR perspective is always for the best before the design process.”

“ 成功的設計始於對客戶的概念和產品的研究和 360 度全方位的認識。當您創作形象標誌的時候,溝通就是一切。在創意方面的公共關係洞察力始終是設計流程開始之前的最佳選擇。”

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