Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Karim Rashid

IdN v15n6: Retail Desire p18-19

Industrial-design superstar Karim Rashid has given the Serbian capital Belgrade a restaurant that would be just as at home in London, Paris or New York. It’s the state-of-the-art Majik Café, a 21st century jolt to the senses amid the city’s otherwise somewhat drab ex-communist-era architecture.

工業設計領域的超級巨星 karim Rashid 塞爾維亞的首都貝爾格萊德帶來了一座餐廳, 感覺就如同在倫敦, 巴黎或者紐約的家中一樣, 那就是最先進的前共產主義時代的建築物之間, 無疑是一種來自21世紀的心理震盪。

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