Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ciara Phelan

IdN V16N1 the craft issue P.28 & 33

IdN V16N1 the craft issue P.30-31

Recently graduated from the University of Brighton, Phelan is currently working as a junior at a design companies (Iwant) in London.

Phelan 剛剛從 The University of Brighton 畢業,現時正在位於倫敦的一個特色設計公司任職初級設計師(Iwant)。

“I create elements by hand then take a digital image into an application on the computer to enhance it further. By doing this you can change elements and add effects in a way that wouldn’t have been possible by hand. This way of working can take the project to a completely new level that you might not have previously conceived."

「我用手工製作出各種元素和部件,然後將其製作成數碼圖像輸入電腦,進一步強化之。這樣做您可以更換當中的元素,增加某些效果 – 那些很難用手工實現。這種工作方式可以把專案的創作帶到一個全新的層次,甚至超出您原先的設想!」

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