Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Joint Project Exhibition -- SCOPE of City University of Hong Kong

ConnectED - Joint Project Exhibition - SCOPE of City University of Hong Kong and Shantou University which focused on virtual team building between remote partners, on Chinese traditional icon(character design) and brand building. And honored to invite Dr Kan Tai-Keung BBS, be the guest to share experiences.

結合展覽: 香港城市大學專業進修學院 和汕頭大學學生合作設計有關中國傳統角色和品牌,更請來著名設計師靳埭強分享經驗。

Date & Time/日期及時間:
2nd May 2009 1:00pm - 7:00pm

Venue / 地點:
INNOCENTRE Basement Chamber 1, InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
香港九龍達之路72 號創新中心地庫