Friday, August 14, 2009

Hong Kong Art & Design Festival

Hong Kong Art & Design Festival will be held on Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Graduates have a chance to display their Profolio and provide New force for the industry. We also present awards, “Ten Outstanding Designers Awards” and “Outstanding Greater China Design Awards” to appreciate Designers who present their outstanding works in the art and design aspects.

一年一度的香港傳藝節將於2009年8月21-24日假香港會議展覽中心 Hall 5G 舉行,場內展出各畢業生的作品,給予學生們表現的機會,為業界培育新力軍。同時舉辦「十大傑出設計師大獎」及「大中華傑出設計大獎」,以表揚本地設計師努力的成果。

Day: 21st - 24th August, 2009
Location: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Hall 5G
For more details: