Friday, August 14, 2009

Get a FREE copy of "Futr Wrld"

A group of leading artists has been brought together to envisage what our world might be like 50 years from now through a book entitled Futr Wrld. Two years in the making, it involves 39 graphic designers, fine artists, photographers and sculptors, giving us their take on how we might be living half-a-century hence.

We are so excited by this inspirational volume that we would like to give E-newsletter subscribers a chance to enjoy it – for nothing. The first two people who take out a one-year subscription to IdN magazine will receive a free copy of "Futr Wrld". If you’d like to take advantage of this unique opportunity, just send an e-mail to with the subject “Futr Wrld”. This offer is on a first-come, first-served basis and IdN reserves the right of final decision.

新書〈〈Futr Wrld〉〉召集了一群藝術家,去表達他們對50年後世界的看法。兩年時間的製作,共有39位平面設計師,藝術家,攝影師和雕塑家參與。

各位IdN電子月刊讀者現在有機會去分享這次興奮的企劃! 首兩名訂閱IdN雜誌一年之讀者一可獲贈〈〈Futr Wrld〉〉一本。有興趣者可電郵至,電郵主題寫上“Futr Wrld”。先到先得, 送完即止。IdN保留最後決定權利。

Subscription enquiry / 查詢:

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